LawMate NT-18 Wired CCD Neck Tie Micro Camera for Handheld Pocket DVR - Spy Shop

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LawMate NT-18 Wired CCD Neck Tie Micro Camera for Handheld Pocket DVR

LawMate™ NT-18 1792
Šifra SKU: NT-18
Naša šifra: 1792
LawMate NT-18 Wired CCD Neck Tie Micro Camera for Handheld Pocket DVR
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Dobavljivost: približno 7 dni
245,00 €
245,00 €

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Zaloga v skladiščih

For everyone wearing suits, the tie with the hidden camera is the perfect spy accessory for hidden recording.

Podrobnosti izdelka

The hidden tie-in camera features a professional Sony CCD camera that delivers an extremely high-quality picture.


  • 550 TV line
  • a perfect camouflaged camera for all who wear suits
  • high quality sound with microphone with preamplifier
  • powered directly from the DVR
  • 2,5mm jack
  • WDR camera for clear picture even when shooting against light


  1. Connecting to the DVR for instant recording
  2. Connection to a wireless transmitter to transmit images up to 150 meters away

Package contents:

  • hidden camera in the LawMate NT-18 tie
  • box for external power


Parameter Description
Distinction 550 TV linek
Image Sensor 1/3" Sony CCD
Audio + video year
Angle of engagement 78°
Consumption when shooting 220mA
Aperture 0,2 LUX/30 IRE @ f2.0


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