Žične video nadzorne kamere
When you opt for wired surveillance cameras, there are a number of advantages to this. In this article we are talking about the benefits of wired surveillance cameras. On that basis you can decide whether a set of wired surveillance cameras suits you.
Advantages of wired surveillance cameras
Are you considering opting for wired surveillance cameras? Then take advantage of the following benefits:
Sharp images
When there is a wired connection, it is easier to send information. Certainly when the distance from the receiver to your surveillance cameras increases. With a wired connection you can count on sharp images. In this way, the promise of a 1080p or 4k security camera is realized and you can see this when you watch live or when recording.
Stable connection
If you opt for wireless surveillance cameras, it is not always possible to keep your connection stable. This has to do with the distance from your receiver or the WiFi network over which images are sent.
Examples of wired surveillance cameras
At Spywebshop.nl you will find different types of surveillance cameras. Consider the following sets:
Four surveillance cameras as a set
You can choose from dome or infrared cameras within this set. By means of a supplied recorder with one terabyte, it is possible to film for several weeks. The surveillance cameras have extensive motion detection and in addition this can be made more specific by applying motion detection for certain parts of the screen.
Four Full HD dome surveillance cameras as a set
Ta komplet je sestavljen iz štirih varnostnih kamer Full HD in snemalnika. Sistem lahko snema v polni visoki ločljivosti 1080p in ima nočno gledanje. Zaradi stabilnega ohišja teh nadzornih kamer so kamere zaščitene pred vandalizmom in se tako ne poškodujejo.
Štiri mini varnostne kamere s kroglami kot komplet
Te mini varnostne kamere se lahko uporabljajo v zaprtih prostorih in na prostem. S temi nadzornimi kamerami lahko snemate v polni visoki ločljivosti. Nadzorne kamere se enostavno povežejo s snemalnikom, povezava se lahko izvede preko koaksialnega kabla RG-59, zato se kakovost ne izgubi.
Zanesljivost žične povezave z brezžičnimi kamerami
Brezžične kamere so kamere, ki ne zahtevajo žične povezave od snemalnika do nadzornih kamer. Velika prednost sistemov Spywebshop.nl je, da se Powerline adapterji lahko uporabljajo za večino sistemov. S pomočjo Powerline adapterjev lahko pošiljate informacije preko elektroenergetskega omrežja. Na ta način morajo biti varnostne kamere priključene le na električno omrežje. V nekaterih primerih to ni mogoče ali se izgubi veliko kakovosti in je zato bolje, da delate s koaksialnim kablom.
Tovrstne izdelke se lahko uporablja le v skladu z zakonodajo oz. osebno uporabo.