Detect Ear DetectEar Amplified Parabolic Dish Microphone Hearing Listening Kit - Spy Shop

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Detect Ear DetectEar Amplified Parabolic Dish Microphone Hearing Listening Kit

Detect Ear DetectEar Amplified Parabolic Dish Microphone Hearing Listening Kit
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Dobavljivost: približno 0 dni
929,95 €
929,95 €

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Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Zaloga v skladiščih

Listen to sounds up to 300 yards away with the pinpoint accuracy of the Detect Ear. The Detect Ear provides high performance with the most advanced audio circuitry and a 20” snap together parabolic dish.

Podrobnosti izdelka


  • 6 panel snap together parabolic dish
  • 3 band equalizer
  • Output jack for tape recording
  • Communications input jack
  • Can be mounted on tripod (not included)
  • Uses 2 AAA batteries (not included)


  • Adjustable volume for each ear
  • Automatic safety shut off at 95 decibles
  • Tripod mount for extended use
  • Powered by 2 AAA batteries that last about 100 hours
  • Quick assembly/disassembly
  • Total product weight 24 oz


  • Parabolic Dish
  • Head phones