3G Repeater Signal camera 505 - Spy Shop

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3G Repeater Signal camera 505

Naša šifra: 816
3G Repeater Signal camera 505
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Dobavljivost: približno 30 dni
610,00 €
610,00 €

Če želite prejeti obvestilo, ko bo izdelek ponovno na zalogi, se morate registrirati ali .



Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Zaloga v skladiščih

3G brezžična Mikro gumb kamera omogoča diskretni video prenos po GSM omrežju, globalno v realnem času. Komplet vsebuje mini kamero in snemalnik z vgrajenim 3G modemom.



Cena vključuje 48ur najema. Najemnik založi polno vrednost kamere (1250 eur) ob dostavi nazaj pa se mu vrne 1000 eur. Sim kartico si najemnik priskrbi sam in nanjo naj ima vezano primerno količino zakupa podatkovnega prenosa (kamera poraba cca 300MB / uro). Priporočamo preplačniško kartico izimobil  saj ima boljšo pokritost po Sloveniji (uporablja mobitel - telekom postaje) . Izimobil zakup podatkov 1GB že od 9 eur dalje.

Podrobnosti izdelka

To receive broadcast just a regular computer with installed software that allows access to the server.
After purchasing supply opragramowanie with free full access to our server.

Key features:
  • Global Reach
  • Access to the video server through any computer connected to the Internet.
  • Audio Communications
  • The ability to record high definition video on the DVR  1280x720 pixels.
  • Time operation during transmission - up to 3 hours
  • GPS location devices
  • Easy to operate on the principle of Plug'n Play.
Data Rate 512kbps
Resolution video transmitted over the network 3g 352x288 pixels.
For a video on using the camera for scanning a sheet of A4 with text in different font sizes.

Čas delovanja kamere na baterijo je 2 uri.

edge prenos ni ok, bolje če hsupa (3g)

pošljemo vam xml datoteko v katero vnesete. (Nahaja se tudi na priloženem cd-ju. Potem zaženite program VC v windows 7,8 okolju
in lahko spremljate sliko v živo. Za delovanje samo kamera ni dovolj. Vse to se prenaša preko našega strežnika v Sloveniji, ki ga redno vzdržujemo.
Z nakupom kamere imate pravico do neomejene uporabe našega strežnika.


This camera has about  10shutters  per second, so not fluent like normal vid. (any sudden movements affect the quality). 
That is why the camera should be stable so the picture could be sharp.
The kit includes:
  • Mikrokamera in the button
  • DVR with built-in 3G modem
  • Client Software
  • Full, free access to the server
  • Warranty

težava v tem, da stranki nismo povedali naj ne uporablja program GC za ogled v živo, sama pa se ni držala in ni vpisala v xml datoteko 
APN=""izimobil"" temveč zgolj APN=izimobil. Med pogovorom smo pojasnili tudi vse kar je stranko zanimalo o tej kameri.

[9/26/2014 4:51:12 PM] Customer: 5 steps how to do please

[9/26/2014 4:51:36 PM] Spy-shop.com: Yes we test Cams

[9/26/2014 4:51:45 PM] Spy-shop.com: Before sending

[9/26/2014 4:52:05 PM] Customer: Cool

[9/26/2014 4:52:41 PM] Customer: 5 steps how to do please, so that i could sell it like a bomb

[9/26/2014 4:52:46 PM] Spy-shop.com: Please give me i 3G nternet operator details

[9/26/2014 4:53:07 PM] Customer: Second

[9/26/2014 4:53:10 PM] Spy-shop.com: Like apn username password

[9/26/2014 4:53:45 PM] Spy-shop.com: Then i'll send you config file

[9/26/2014 4:54:22 PM] Spy-shop.com: You have to connect cam to the pc and format the disc

[9/26/2014 4:54:45 PM] Customer: Apn is izimobil

[9/26/2014 4:55:00 PM] Customer: User is izimobil

[9/26/2014 4:55:07 PM] Spy-shop.com: Then paste config fil which i will give you

[9/26/2014 4:55:17 PM] Customer: Pass also izimobil

[9/26/2014 4:55:30 PM] Spy-shop.com: Dial no?

[9/26/2014 4:56:04 PM] Customer: +38651755703

[9/26/2014 4:56:43 PM] Spy-shop.com: No not this

[9/26/2014 4:58:12 PM] Customer: 7186

[9/26/2014 4:58:22 PM] Customer:

[9/26/2014 4:59:11 PM] Spy-shop.com: I'll check on my own

[9/26/2014 4:59:38 PM] Customer: (This last was written on box)

[9/26/2014 5:00:02 PM] Spy-shop.com: That is our ip address

[9/26/2014 5:00:54 PM] Spy-shop.com: You have to install gc or vc software

[9/26/2014 5:01:07 PM] Customer: I should connect dvr to pc and erase sd micro card?

[9/26/2014 5:01:22 PM] Spy-shop.com: Yes

[9/26/2014 5:01:43 PM] Spy-shop.com: Not erease

[9/26/2014 5:01:51 PM] Spy-shop.com: Format it

[9/26/2014 5:01:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: Full format

[9/26/2014 5:02:02 PM] Customer: Can i put microsd out of dvr and format it

[9/26/2014 5:02:08 PM] Spy-shop.com: Not short

[9/26/2014 5:02:13 PM] Spy-shop.com: No

[9/26/2014 5:02:21 PM] Customer: Ok long

[9/26/2014 5:03:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: You can try to put your sim card to the dvr

[9/26/2014 5:03:39 PM] Spy-shop.com: Before formatting

[9/26/2014 5:04:01 PM] Spy-shop.com: Maybe it will work wit our settings

[9/26/2014 5:05:10 PM] Spy-shop.com: Put your sim card And turn it on

[9/26/2014 5:05:54 PM] Spy-shop.com: Then you will see if its connecting to the network

[9/26/2014 5:07:54 PM] Customer: Fat32?

[9/26/2014 5:08:22 PM] Customer: And not quick format

[9/26/2014 5:08:25 PM] Spy-shop.com: Yes

[9/26/2014 5:08:34 PM] Spy-shop.com: Not quick

[9/26/2014 5:08:44 PM] Spy-shop.com: Long

[9/26/2014 5:11:11 PM] Customer: it is going very slow by  pc

[9/26/2014 5:11:19 PM] Customer: it only on 10%

[9/26/2014 5:11:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: What operating system?

[9/26/2014 5:12:11 PM] Customer: Vista

[9/26/2014 5:12:14 PM] Customer: Omg

[9/26/2014 5:12:46 PM] Spy-shop.com: With win7 it takes like 3 minutes

[9/26/2014 5:48:36 PM] Customer: sorry , i am back

[9/26/2014 5:48:44 PM] Customer: it is formated

[9/26/2014 5:48:49 PM] Customer: i will put it back

[9/30/2014 9:02:32 AM] Customer: Can we finalize pls

[9/30/2014 9:03:00 AM] Customer: I send you video, is it ok

[9/30/2014 1:54:36 PM] Customer: Write me when we will setup this

[9/30/2014 6:01:46 PM] Spy-shop.com: I'll contact you soon

[9/30/2014 7:29:12 PM] Customer: Ok

[10/6/2014 8:33:57 AM] Customer: Its week around..

[10/6/2014 8:34:10 AM] Customer: When?

[10/6/2014 11:00:44 AM] Spy-shop.com: i'll give you the file today

[10/6/2014 11:10:36 AM] Customer: and i will copy this file to sd card?

[10/6/2014 11:10:42 AM] Customer: and then?

[10/6/2014 11:12:06 AM] Customer: how will i know if its connecting to the network

[10/6/2014 11:13:18 AM] Customer: then you will send me link of server with userpass so i could connect thorugh browser and find file histroy and aslo watch picture in live view?

[10/10/2014 11:55:55 AM] Customer: hi!

[10/10/2014 11:56:19 AM] Customer: i did all by instructions

[10/10/2014 11:56:27 AM] Customer: then i installed gc

[10/10/2014 11:56:44 AM] Customer: now i dont see live piture

[10/10/2014 11:57:01 AM] Customer: msg: timeout, request video again!

[10/10/2014 11:58:59 AM] Customer: i have 5/5 signal

[10/10/2014 11:59:04 AM] Customer: edge

[10/10/2014 12:03:26 PM] Customer: then after second , 3g falls and only satellite icon is ok

[10/10/2014 12:03:44 PM] Customer: should you charge batttery first for 8 hours

[10/10/2014 12:03:57 PM] Customer: i did for 2 hours

[10/10/2014 12:04:12 PM] Customer: how to increase lcd brightness?

[10/10/2014 12:04:50 PM] Customer: for how long will be 8GB? and what is battery life /cycle?

[10/10/2014 1:19:50 PM] Spy-shop.com: hi

[10/10/2014 1:20:13 PM] Spy-shop.com: working time is around 2 hours

[10/10/2014 1:20:36 PM] Spy-shop.com: have you seen the image on the computer?

[10/10/2014 1:21:04 PM] Spy-shop.com: edge is not good

[10/10/2014 1:21:11 PM] Spy-shop.com: there should be hsupa

[10/10/2014 1:22:13 PM] Spy-shop.com: if it's not working properly mayby try to insert different operator simcard

[10/10/2014 1:22:44 PM] Spy-shop.com: you can change the config file by your own

[10/10/2014 1:28:25 PM] Spy-shop.com: open file in note and replace izimobil with other operator data

[10/10/2014 2:03:14 PM] Customer: Which?

[10/10/2014 2:03:41 PM] Customer: I loaded 25 e to have this

[10/10/2014 2:04:15 PM] Customer: And that i could rent all together... sim + cam

[10/10/2014 2:05:06 PM] Customer: Which other operator data?

[10/11/2014 10:05:49 AM] Customer: APN="internet.simobil.si"



[10/11/2014 10:06:05 AM] Customer: are you sure this is all what we need?

[10/11/2014 10:06:24 AM] Spy-shop.com: hi

[10/11/2014 10:06:28 AM] Spy-shop.com: and dial number

[10/11/2014 10:06:40 AM] Spy-shop.com: but it should be the same like izimobil

[10/11/2014 10:06:51 AM] Customer: what dial number?

[10/11/2014 10:06:57 AM] Customer: where to put that?

[10/11/2014 10:07:04 AM] Spy-shop.com: *99#

[10/11/2014 10:07:41 AM] Spy-shop.com: open xml file that I've sent to you in note editor

[10/11/2014 10:07:50 AM] Customer: yes, i have

[10/11/2014 10:08:09 AM] Spy-shop.com: and put these data in apropriate places

[10/11/2014 10:08:27 AM] Spy-shop.com: like apn password and username

[10/11/2014 10:08:30 AM] Customer: it is there






[10/11/2014 10:09:18 AM] Spy-shop.com: so replace izimobil settings

[10/11/2014 10:09:35 AM] Spy-shop.com: dialoption is not required

[10/11/2014 10:10:00 AM] Customer: i did, will trz now

[10/11/2014 10:10:05 AM] Customer: here is

[10/11/2014 10:10:06 AM] Spy-shop.com: ok

[10/11/2014 10:10:07 AM] Customer: http://www.simobil.si/pomoc-in-informacije/izberi-svojo-napravo/sony-xperia-m/nastavitve#acc-165260

[10/11/2014 10:10:26 AM] Customer: rest data i dont need:


Menu:Nov APNIme:Simobil GPRSAPN:internet.simobil.siPosredniški strežnik:ško ime:simobilGeslo:internetStrežnik:[Ni nastavljeno]MMSC:[Ni nastavljeno]Posredn. strežnik MMS:[Ni nastavljeno]Vrata MMS:[Ni nastavljeno]MCC:293MNC40Vrsta overjanjaPAP ali CHAPVrsta APN-ja:default, suplProtokol APN:Ipv4Omogoči/Onemogoči APN:APN omogočen


Izberi:Simobil G

[10/11/2014 10:10:37 AM] Customer: from operator info

[10/11/2014 10:11:24 AM] Spy-shop.com: ok

[10/11/2014 10:11:36 AM] Spy-shop.com: dial number is the same so you don't have to change

[10/11/2014 10:11:53 AM] Spy-shop.com: then you have to format the disk

[10/11/2014 10:12:04 AM] Spy-shop.com: and then past the newly edited file on it

[10/11/2014 10:44:52 AM] Customer: now i put back on izimobi

[10/11/2014 10:45:15 AM] Customer: 3g is not crossed anzmore

[10/11/2014 10:45:21 AM] Customer: but still same

[10/11/2014 10:46:11 AM] Customer: it shows ofline in gc

[10/11/2014 10:46:52 AM] Customer: but sattallite icon on display still crossed

[10/11/2014 10:47:30 AM] Customer: shit, now alos 3g

[10/11/2014 10:47:34 AM] Customer: i cant ry

[10/11/2014 10:47:54 AM] Customer: with vodaphone yet

[10/11/2014 10:48:03 AM] Customer: cause i lost micro sim adapter

[10/11/2014 10:48:04 AM] Customer: fuck

[10/11/2014 11:02:47 AM] Customer: "





[10/11/2014 11:02:58 AM] Customer: why you wrote ""izimobil""

[10/11/2014 11:03:06 AM] Customer: instead izimobil

[10/11/2014 11:07:40 AM] Customer: it is nice day, i go rathar out side now

[10/11/2014 5:50:16 PM] Customer: now i try with APN=""internet.simobil.si""

[10/11/2014 7:32:00 PM] Customer: I finally got status online but no video from server: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed41alwp2k0&sns=em

[10/12/2014 8:00:14 PM] Spy-shop.com: hi

[10/12/2014 8:00:29 PM] Spy-shop.com: let me know when you turn on the camera

[10/12/2014 8:00:44 PM] Spy-shop.com: i will log in to server to check what's going on

[10/12/2014 8:28:34 PM] Customer: HI

[10/12/2014 8:29:48 PM] Customer: Still here? Can you help me with next step

[10/12/2014 8:30:00 PM] Spy-shop.com: hi

[10/12/2014 8:30:07 PM] Spy-shop.com: turn on the cam

[10/12/2014 9:36:18 PM] Customer: Still there?

[10/12/2014 9:41:03 PM] Customer: I did

[10/12/2014 9:41:14 PM] Customer: It shows ip

[10/12/2014 9:41:39 PM] Customer: On display, should i connect camera also

[10/12/2014 9:41:55 PM] Customer: How much will cost me that

[10/12/2014 9:42:05 PM] Customer: 3g data i mean

[10/12/2014 9:44:55 PM] Customer: I go to sleep if you dont answer

[10/12/2014 9:45:11 PM] Customer: We must solve this asap

[10/12/2014 9:45:46 PM] Customer: Otherwise will send back

[10/12/2014 9:46:37 PM] Spy-shop.com: show me picture

[10/12/2014 9:46:51 PM] Customer: What picture?

[10/12/2014 9:46:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: please film something

[10/12/2014 9:47:17 PM] Customer: Ok

[10/12/2014 9:48:02 PM] Spy-shop.com: I can see your appartment

[10/12/2014 9:48:42 PM] Customer: I did

[10/12/2014 9:48:48 PM] Customer: Doing

[10/12/2014 9:49:02 PM] Spy-shop.com: nice tv set

[10/12/2014 9:49:21 PM] Customer: Vau, you see

[10/12/2014 9:49:28 PM] Spy-shop.com: you have big appartment:)

[10/12/2014 9:49:58 PM] Spy-shop.com: I can see everything

[10/12/2014 9:50:37 PM] Spy-shop.com: show me some text to read

[10/12/2014 9:51:15 PM] Spy-shop.com: try to log in

[10/12/2014 9:52:05 PM] Spy-shop.com: predmet oponin

[10/12/2014 9:52:41 PM] Customer: whz i dont see

[10/12/2014 9:52:49 PM] Customer: teach me

[10/12/2014 9:52:56 PM] Customer: i open gc

[10/12/2014 9:53:08 PM] Spy-shop.com: I don't know why you can't see it

[10/12/2014 9:53:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: maybe try the second software

[10/12/2014 9:53:26 PM] Spy-shop.com: vc

[10/12/2014 9:54:40 PM] Customer: you watch through vc

[10/12/2014 9:55:09 PM] Spy-shop.com: no

[10/12/2014 9:55:31 PM] Spy-shop.com: i have software for setting server

[10/12/2014 9:55:52 PM] Spy-shop.com: please log out from gc and vc

[10/12/2014 9:55:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: I'll try to log in

[10/12/2014 9:56:12 PM] Spy-shop.com: by vc

[10/12/2014 9:56:39 PM] Customer: i did, i use gv version 4

[10/12/2014 9:56:53 PM] Customer: i mean gc 4

[10/12/2014 9:57:06 PM] Customer: i am out

[10/12/2014 9:57:10 PM] Spy-shop.com: now i'm using vc and I can see everything

[10/12/2014 9:57:27 PM] Spy-shop.com: I don't know why you can't do it

[10/12/2014 9:57:41 PM] Spy-shop.com: since everything is ok here

[10/12/2014 9:58:12 PM] Spy-shop.com: ok I have log out

[10/12/2014 9:58:18 PM] Spy-shop.com: please try again

[10/12/2014 9:58:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: using VC

[10/12/2014 9:58:44 PM] Customer: ok please log out

[10/12/2014 9:58:53 PM] Spy-shop.com: i did it

[10/12/2014 10:00:21 PM] Customer: win 8?

[10/12/2014 10:00:33 PM] Customer: vc not responing

[10/12/2014 10:01:03 PM] Spy-shop.com: try  with win 7 or xp

[10/12/2014 10:01:20 PM] Customer: android?

[10/12/2014 10:01:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: no

[10/12/2014 10:01:33 PM] Customer: i is not good for future

[10/12/2014 10:01:34 PM] Spy-shop.com: only windows pc

[10/12/2014 10:01:41 PM] Customer: android is welcome

[10/12/2014 10:02:04 PM] Customer: login failled , error code  -1

[10/12/2014 10:02:24 PM] Customer: 7186


[10/12/2014 10:02:33 PM] Spy-shop.com: yes

[10/12/2014 10:02:43 PM] Customer:

[10/12/2014 10:02:48 PM] Spy-shop.com: no

[10/12/2014 10:02:51 PM] Customer: no, this is not right

[10/12/2014 10:02:56 PM] Spy-shop.com: 77.....

[10/12/2014 10:04:30 PM] Customer: finally

[10/12/2014 10:04:39 PM] Customer: i alwys tried with gc

[10/12/2014 10:05:17 PM] Customer: works on win 8 also

[10/12/2014 10:05:23 PM] Customer: for your reference, 64bit

[10/12/2014 10:05:49 PM] Spy-shop.com: you have to set the sharpness

[10/12/2014 10:06:28 PM] Spy-shop.com: by turning the button

[10/12/2014 10:07:08 PM] Spy-shop.com: how long the delay last?

[10/12/2014 10:07:57 PM] Spy-shop.com: how many seconds is delay?

[10/12/2014 10:08:50 PM] Spy-shop.com: what operator have you used?

[10/12/2014 10:09:01 PM] Customer: i dont get ip now on dvr display

[10/12/2014 10:09:13 PM] Customer: vodaphone

[10/12/2014 10:09:23 PM] Customer: 1-2 seconds

[10/12/2014 10:09:29 PM] Spy-shop.com: display is in sleeping mode

[10/12/2014 10:09:30 PM] Customer: mazbe more

[10/12/2014 10:09:38 PM] Customer: i did test yet

[10/12/2014 10:10:03 PM] Spy-shop.com: you have to set the lens

[10/12/2014 10:10:10 PM] Spy-shop.com: so you could read the text

[10/12/2014 10:10:31 PM] Customer: why sleeping?

[10/12/2014 10:10:41 PM] Customer: i did turn off

[10/12/2014 10:10:44 PM] Customer: and will turn on

[10/12/2014 10:10:55 PM] Spy-shop.com: display turns off after couple seconds to save the battery

[10/12/2014 10:11:09 PM] Customer: thats ok, but no ip on dispaly anmore

[10/12/2014 10:11:10 PM] Spy-shop.com: you have to press once the power button to activate it

[10/12/2014 10:11:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: there is no ip there

[10/12/2014 10:11:30 PM] Spy-shop.com: only serial number

[10/12/2014 10:12:48 PM] Customer: it says waiting for video streaming

[10/12/2014 10:12:57 PM] Customer: i have picutre now

[10/12/2014 10:14:21 PM] Customer: i have only 3 stars on 3g

[10/12/2014 10:14:30 PM] Customer: graph on display

[10/12/2014 10:14:33 PM] Customer: delay not ok

[10/12/2014 10:15:33 PM] Customer: what is delay at you?

[10/12/2014 10:15:46 PM] Customer: it should be less then second

[10/12/2014 10:16:08 PM] Spy-shop.com: in Poland it is like 1 sec

[10/12/2014 10:18:26 PM] Spy-shop.com: now it is very clear

[10/12/2014 10:18:44 PM] Spy-shop.com: the picture

[10/12/2014 10:19:07 PM] Customer: yes

[10/12/2014 10:19:11 PM] Spy-shop.com: there are 10shutters  per second

[10/12/2014 10:19:15 PM] Spy-shop.com: remember

[10/12/2014 10:19:37 PM] Spy-shop.com: no so fluent like normal vid

[10/12/2014 10:20:19 PM] Spy-shop.com: that is why the camera should be stable so the picture could be sharp

[10/12/2014 10:20:26 PM] Customer: Shutters means what?

[10/12/2014 10:21:07 PM] Spy-shop.com: any sudden movements affect the quality

[10/12/2014 10:23:13 PM] Customer: but why it is black now

[10/12/2014 10:23:16 PM] Spy-shop.com: one hour of filming is like 230MB

[10/12/2014 10:23:45 PM] Customer: and batterry goes from 3/4 to 1/2

[10/12/2014 10:23:54 PM] Customer: and back to 3/4 again

[10/12/2014 10:24:00 PM] Spy-shop.com: maybe you are moving the plug and it is not connecting

[10/12/2014 10:24:22 PM] Customer: i notice it is bad contact already from start

[10/12/2014 10:24:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: mini usb plug in 3g dvr

[10/12/2014 10:24:38 PM] Customer: it is easily to switch

[10/12/2014 10:25:32 PM] Customer: students how this in pocket usually

[10/12/2014 10:26:00 PM] Spy-shop.com: I didn't have such problems before

[10/12/2014 10:26:32 PM] Spy-shop.com: I have figgred it out becayse black picture is when you disconnect camera from 3g dvr

[10/12/2014 10:27:10 PM] Customer: ok

[10/12/2014 10:27:14 PM] Spy-shop.com: if it is really bad we can replace it

[10/12/2014 10:27:40 PM] Customer: time is 14-10 5:21

[10/12/2014 10:28:10 PM] Customer: tuesday

[10/12/2014 10:28:41 PM] Customer: so also 3g cost will be charge for 230MB per hour?

[10/12/2014 10:29:37 PM] Customer: now if i press 1th button once it shakes and shows some different icon

[10/12/2014 10:29:50 PM] Customer: first it turn display

[10/12/2014 10:30:12 PM] Customer: and there is photo icon upper right

[10/12/2014 10:30:14 PM] Spy-shop.com:  it is picture mode

[10/12/2014 10:30:45 PM] Spy-shop.com: when you press once the power button it will be switeched to photo mode

[10/12/2014 10:31:04 PM] Spy-shop.com: if you want to return to vid mode pres the second button

[10/12/2014 10:31:05 PM] Customer: video / photo mode switch?

[10/12/2014 10:31:26 PM] Spy-shop.com: it is only for local storage

[10/12/2014 10:31:52 PM] Customer: ok

[10/12/2014 10:32:14 PM] Spy-shop.com: you can save photos and videos in high resolution and then someone can download it on computer by 3g network

[10/12/2014 10:33:13 PM] Spy-shop.com: you can do it in vc

[10/12/2014 10:33:23 PM] Spy-shop.com: enter front-end reply

[10/12/2014 10:33:23 PM] Customer: 14-10 ?

[10/12/2014 10:34:19 PM] Customer: i did query

[10/12/2014 10:35:07 PM] Customer: got only 1 file

[10/12/2014 10:35:17 PM] Customer: lets say it works

[10/12/2014 10:35:32 PM] Customer: cause it cost too much to download

[10/12/2014 10:36:05 PM] Spy-shop.com: you have to set the time range properly

[10/12/2014 10:36:34 PM] Spy-shop.com: i don't know yet how to change the time

[10/12/2014 10:36:43 PM] Customer: it is from 00000 to 23:59:59

[10/12/2014 10:36:49 PM] Spy-shop.com: once i get it know i'll let you knowe

[10/12/2014 10:37:14 PM] Spy-shop.com: my Customers never use the download mode

[10/12/2014 10:37:35 PM] Customer: picture not working, it says no record file!

[10/12/2014 10:37:48 PM] Customer: why should i use gc anyway

[10/12/2014 10:38:19 PM] Spy-shop.com: log out i'll try to download

[10/12/2014 10:39:11 PM] Customer: i did

[10/12/2014 10:39:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: i can't log in

[10/12/2014 10:40:07 PM] Spy-shop.com: it says that you are logged in

[10/12/2014 10:40:08 PM] Customer: sorry

[10/12/2014 10:40:15 PM] Customer: it was gc

[10/12/2014 10:42:20 PM] Customer: it has also gps?

[10/12/2014 10:42:36 PM] Spy-shop.com: yes it has gps

[10/12/2014 10:42:51 PM] Customer: what for?

[10/12/2014 10:43:08 PM] Spy-shop.com: you can locate the person with the 3gdvr

[10/12/2014 10:43:12 PM] Spy-shop.com: on the map

[10/12/2014 10:43:17 PM] Spy-shop.com: which is in GC

[10/12/2014 10:43:37 PM] Customer: thats why gc

[10/12/2014 10:43:48 PM] Customer: deep sleep not recommended?

[10/12/2014 10:44:37 PM] Spy-shop.com: what deep sleep?

[10/12/2014 10:44:46 PM] Customer: in manual it says

[10/12/2014 10:44:52 PM] Customer: it can turn off 3g

[10/12/2014 10:45:00 PM] Customer: 3.7 Deep sleep

Press the standby button on remote control for three seconds, the device will enter into deep sleep mode; it may shut down 3G module, turn off the LCD screen power and stop video capturing, coding and transferring.

[10/12/2014 10:45:37 PM] Customer: anyway...

[10/12/2014 10:45:50 PM] Customer: how long last battery?

[10/12/2014 10:45:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: 2 hours

[10/12/2014 10:46:10 PM] Customer: less then exam

[10/12/2014 10:46:20 PM] Customer: more then most exams

[10/12/2014 10:46:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: you can buy two

[10/12/2014 10:46:33 PM] Customer: we need to put addional batteries to offer

[10/12/2014 10:46:46 PM] Spy-shop.com: but who will use the cam for two hours

[10/12/2014 10:47:01 PM] Spy-shop.com: they need half an hour to film everything

[10/12/2014 10:47:20 PM] Spy-shop.com: they need time to solve the questions

[10/12/2014 10:47:28 PM] Spy-shop.com: and write it down

[10/12/2014 10:47:38 PM] Customer: it is not for real time help? More just to photo exams and pass them next time?

[10/12/2014 10:47:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: no

[10/12/2014 10:48:00 PM] Customer: i mean with spy earpiece you can make it first time

[10/12/2014 10:48:26 PM] Spy-shop.com: one use the camera for the first half an hour of the exam

[10/12/2014 10:48:45 PM] Spy-shop.com: you don't need more time

[10/12/2014 10:49:13 PM] Customer: and it put it off and then you get instrictions by spy ear?

[10/12/2014 10:49:20 PM] Spy-shop.com: exactly

[10/12/2014 10:49:44 PM] Spy-shop.com: it depends how one can use the cam

[10/12/2014 10:49:44 PM] Customer: and 3g not blocked at universe, college?

[10/12/2014 10:49:57 PM] Customer: mostly not

[10/12/2014 10:49:59 PM] Spy-shop.com: if he is twell trained

[10/12/2014 10:50:18 PM] Spy-shop.com: that is why I give them the cam for two days

[10/12/2014 10:50:29 PM] Spy-shop.com: first day they learn how to use it

[10/12/2014 10:54:24 PM] Spy-shop.com: downloading is very long because it is at the same time streaming the real live video

[10/12/2014 10:54:32 PM] Spy-shop.com: can we finish tomorrow

[10/12/2014 10:54:35 PM] Customer: yes, better log off

[10/12/2014 10:54:58 PM] Spy-shop.com: there was 30%

[10/12/2014 10:55:07 PM] Customer: is thi delay not be problem?

[10/12/2014 10:55:13 PM] Spy-shop.com: no

[10/12/2014 10:55:18 PM] Customer: for exams

[10/12/2014 10:55:22 PM] Spy-shop.com: small delay is not a problem

[10/12/2014 10:55:24 PM] Customer: you must move slow

[10/12/2014 10:55:32 PM] Customer: that 1st rule

[10/12/2014 10:55:45 PM] Customer: get feeling

[10/12/2014 10:55:53 PM] Spy-shop.com: when I used it with chineese server it was like 20seconds

[10/12/2014 10:56:01 PM] Spy-shop.com: 10-20 sec

[10/12/2014 10:56:13 PM] Customer: crazy

[10/12/2014 10:56:15 PM] Spy-shop.com: yes


[10/12/2014 10:56:36 PM] Spy-shop.com: and very bad quality and cutting all the time 

 [10/12/2014 10:57:49 PM] Customer: (i am in GC)


[10/12/2014 10:58:04 PM] Customer: and broadcast?

[10/12/2014 10:58:05 PM] Spy-shop.com: to be honest i have never used localization

[10/12/2014 10:58:12 PM] Customer: whatever

[10/12/2014 10:58:23 PM] Customer: and what is broadcast

[10/12/2014 10:58:37 PM] Customer: i will not give then Customer GC ever

[10/12/2014 10:58:46 PM] Customer: cause it only confused

[10/13/2014 12:30:37 AM] Customer: works also on izimobil

[10/13/2014 12:30:48 AM] Customer: looks this is important APN=""izimobil""

 [10/13/2014 12:30:28 AM] Customer: thanks for support

[10/12/2014 10:58:05 PM] Spy-shop.com: bye, have an nice day and well pass!