Vohunska kamera v vžigalniku Zippo - Spy Shop

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Vohunska kamera v vžigalniku Zippo

Naša šifra: 711
Vohunska kamera v vžigalniku Zippo
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Dobavljivost: približno 7 dni
183,00 €
183,00 €

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Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Zaloga v skladiščih

Vohunska skrita kamera in skriti mikrofon zamaskirana v vžigalnik za cigarete. To je nižja cena od konkurence po svetu!

Podrobnosti izdelka

Mini-Cam camouflage in the lighter MP-500

Miniature camera with microphone is masked in the lighter gas (lighter sparks but does not light up) and thus allows the use of a large discretion. Control of the camera is made ​​by one button and modes LED indicates discreetly hidden in the casing. The device has a built-in high capacity battery allows up to 2 hours. Is loaded via the USB port, a full charge cycle takes 2 hours. Each recording is indicated digitally current date and time . The data is stored above-mentioned flash memory with a capacity of 4GB .


  • Resolution: 1.3 megapixels
  • Viewing Angle: 65 °
  • Supported formats: the device uses a technique Motion JPEG recording format files AVI VGA (640 × 480, 15 VIR / s)
  • Minimum illumination: 1lx
  • Built-in flash memory 4GB
  • Storage temperature: -20 to 80 ° C
  • Temperature of use: -10 ~ 50 ° C
  • Moisture use 15 - 85% RH
  • Interfejs USB: USB 1.1/2.0
  • Supported operating systems: Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista32, MacOS, Linux
  • Charging time: 2 hours




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