SpyOn 007-135 - Spy Shop

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SpyOn 007-135

SpyOn 007-135
Na zalogi ( 1 )
499,00 €
499,00 €


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Zaloga v skladiščih
  • minidiktafon with extremely long life of up to 225 days
  • thickness of only 3.5 mm
  • high-quality audio

Podrobnosti izdelka

SpyOn007-135 seamlessly recorded conversations at distances up to 10 meters. 

Dictaphone is characterized by its unique 3.5 mm thick , making it particularly suitable for placement under a table, chair, closet behind , or in another position where you can not fit a normal dictation.


  • rapid activation of a single movement
  • Continuous recording / recording only when the voice detection
  • highly sensitive microphone
  • thickness of 3.5 mm (7mm in place of the connector)
  • battery life up to 225 days in detection mode, voice, or up to 135 hours of continuous recording
  • internal memory for up to 150 hours of recording
  • Dimensions: 97 x 80 x 3.5 mm

SpyOn007-135 offers unmatched price / performance ratio of all professional minidiktafonů.

package contents:

  • SpyOn 007-135
  • power Adapter
  • mini USB kabel