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Professional 4K Drone with great features that compares to the most expensive models on the market, but at a significantly lower price

Professional 4K Drone with great features that compares to the most expensive models on the market, but at a significantly lower price
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Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Product Details

Appear like an eagle in the night

The drone allows 360° rotation in the air with a focus lock function and has a dual 2K wide-angle camera - one on the front and the other from a bird's eye view on the bottom. The image of both cameras can be viewed or recorded at the same time.


The main camera is supported by a redesigned mechanical gimbal that provides exceptional stabilization in the air and enables the capture of clean and professional-looking shots and images.


Under the hood is a renewed 1503 Brushless drive motor, smart gravity sensors and a modern GPS navigator. The combination of all this makes the drone's flight stable and automatic, making it easy to operate, even for beginners.


What makes the dRON kf102 MAX so special?

The Drone Pro Max is a premium folding Quad Drone of high industrial quality that combines all the advantages of more expensive drone models that cost between €400 and €500.
Najboljše pri tem je, da za mehanski stabilizator slike, GPS orientacijo v zraku ter 4K kakovost slik in 2K kakovost videoposnetkov ni potrebno odšteti visokega zneska. Kljub temu pa dobiš vse te funkcije in še veliko več, s primerljivo kakovostjo z najdražjimi modeli na trgu.
Ko kupiš Drone Pro Max komplet, prejmeš profesionalno torbo, ki vsebuje drona, kontroler za upravljanje z nosilcem za telefon, vzdržljivo polnilno baterijo, 4 rezervne propelerje, izvijač in polnilni kabel. Vse, kar potrebuješ, da lahko takoj začneš uporabljati drona!


Dron z vgrajenimi inteligentnimi možgani


Dron ima vgrajene napredne možgane, ki prevzemajo razmišljanje namesto tebe.
GPS orientacija po X in Y osi, povezana s 16 sateliti, močno poenostavi uporabo in upravljanje.
4 močni propelerji zagotavljajo vzgonsko moč in zmožnost obvladovanja težjih vremenskih pogojev.
Vgrajeni laserski senzorji drona skrbijo za zaščito pred trki in ustvarjajo 360° široko polje ter območje veliko 20 m2 okrog drona, kar omogoča samodejno zaustavljanje ali obvoz ovir.
S samo enim ukazom lahko pozornost drona zakleneš nase, kar omogoča avtomatsko sledenje brez potrebe po stalni poglobljeni pozornosti.

Ujemi neverjetne slike in posnetke

Dron snema oster 2K video in dela fotografije v 4K resoluciji 4096 x 3072 (velikost slike do 17 Mb) ali pa ti zgolj prikazuje sliko v živo. Ima 50x Zoom, s katerim ujameš tudi bolj oddaljene detajle za zanimive posnetke odlične kakovosti. Dron dosega visoko hitrost in lahko zato pokrije veliko površino v kratkem času. Osnovne ukaze kot so Start in Vrni se nazaj najdeš na ergonomskemu kontrolerju, z namenski držalom za telefon, za maksimalno udobno uporabo. Z brezplačno aplikacijo, ki je na voljo za Android in iOS operacijska sistema pa nabor možnosti še razširiš in pričneš izvajati različne akrobacije.

Test drona

Vodljivost 5/5: Enostavno upravljanje. Natančno izvajanje ukazov. Visoka stopnja stabilnosti in vodljivosti.


Range and battery 4.5/5: Range with controller up to 800 meters. Live picture on the phone up to 50 meters. The tested duration with one full battery is up to 21 minutes.


Safety Features 5/5: Obstacle Avoidance System. Automatic return home. Backup battery to ensure safe return. Replacement propellers included.


Quality of recordings and images 5/5: The attached images and videos are the actual results of our testing. We used a 128 GB memory card during testing.



Movement sensor
Even if the subject is still, the SmartyDrone Pro Max automatically detects hand or leg movements and starts taking beautiful firefighter portraits.
Draw your own path
In the application, simply use your finger to draw the path along which you want to direct the drone and it will obey you to exactly 1m.
GPS navigator
The drone's GPS connection with 16 satellites ensures precise flight and control.
Modular battery
If you have two or more batteries with you, simply replace the empty one with a full one and continue using it undisturbed.
More information
Controller frequency: 2.4GHz
Wi-Fi support: 5 GHz (2.4 GHz signal is not supported)
Battery capacity: 2200 mAh
Operating time with 1 battery: up to 21 min
Controller power supply: 3 x AAA (not included)
Operating distance: up to 800 ms with controllers
Distance for uninterrupted image transfer via the application: up to 50 m
Recording / photographing distance via the controller: up to 800 m
Size: 28.5 x 23.5 x 7 cm
Video: 2K (2048 * 1080)
Photo: 4K (4096*2160)
Weight: 330 g
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐It's great for your first encounter with drones. Crashed into a facade, into a tree... Everything works. Batteries are the weak points of drones.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I decided to buy it for my son for his birthday (as well as for myself, I admit). :) His face lit up with joy when we immediately took it out and tested it. The drone works flawlessly and without any problems. Now we go to the countryside every other weekend so we can both enjoy it to the fullest.