Bionic spy ear - Spy Shop

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Bionic spy ear

SPYH0027 12
SKU Code: SPYH0027
User Code: 12
Bionic spy ear
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Availability: about 9 14 days

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With this parabolic microphone you will hear the conversation, the voice of the animal, and the other sounds from a safe and discreet distance. You will hear a normal volume talk up to 30 meters. The impact on the fluctuation of the distance has environmental noise.

Product Details

This spy equipment is also optical, which means you can amplify up to 10 times the voices of animals or talking people, and a digital voice recorder that allows you to record your voices.


    Distance: 100 m Max
    Built monocular: magnification x8
    Digital Sound Recorder: 12 seconds (new records prekrirejo old record)
    Headphone jack: 3.5mm
    Power Source: 1x 9V battery
    Gun: 175x280x55 (LxWxD)
    Ring : 250mm 60mm round (D)
    Stereo headphones with adjustable lengths of 160mm to 200mm
    Pre amplifier that helps extend or narrow the spectrum of sound so that it can capture only the conversation you would like to hear.
    reproduction Line audio plug to tape recorder
    Approved: CE / FCC
    1 year warranty