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Type-C LCD Display Battery Capacity Tester MAh MWh Lithium Battery Digital Battery Power Detector Module 18650 Battery Tester

Type-C LCD Display Battery Capacity Tester MAh MWh Lithium Battery Digital Battery Power Detector Module 18650 Battery Tester
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Product Details






① Shutdown 


② Press and hold the "调整" key to start the machine, release the key after the screen lights up, and wait 10 seconds after starting the machine to shut down 
③ Reboot to complete the switch.


Working power supply: DC5V external power supply or 18650 battery (both required) 
Applicable batteries: Suitable for batteries that meet the requirements of stopping discharge

2.2 Mode menu: click the "调整" button to switch the  mode


2.3. Stop discharge voltage: click "调整" to switch the stop discharge voltage. The adjustment range is 2.5V~3.5V. The stop voltage is invalid for "CHG-charging mode".


2.4 Loop times: click "调整" to set the cycle times. The cycle is only valid in "Auto". The cycle times are invalid in "CHG" and "DSG"


3. Start/Stop 
Click the "开始/停止" button to start the cargo suspension program