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Signal Noise Generator 2.0

Signal Noise Generator 2.0
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The SNG 2.0 noise generator is an effective tool to prevent eavesdropping. SNG 2.0 ensures privacy in your actions, and prevents virtually all external attacks. It was designed for continuous usage in houses or rooms with exposure to eavesdropping

Product Details

Signal Noise Generator 2.0 is an effective tool to prevent any room or building from the laser or mechanical eavesdropping. It will make sure that your privacy is not invaded by any third-party entities. The combination of high end materials plus readily available vibration-acustic transducers make for ideal and affordable modern counter-surveillance protection. Its recommended to be used in combination with other counter-surveillance measures.



What will SNG 2.0 protect agains?

  • Wall microphones
  • Laser microphones

How does it work?

Vibration of the SNG 2.0 is adjustable and prevents mechanically against the vibrations of human created by human voice. In other words, your voice will create vibrations which are then transmitted onto a wall or a window, by placing the piezo transducers onto a wall or window it will make eavesdropping impossible. It can be placed on windows, walls, ceilings, floors or pieces of furniture. Please consult with local professionals for advice about placement. SNG 2.0 is equipped with 2ma separate outputs for which intensity can be individually controlled. Usually, for window-mounted piezo-changers, it is sufficient to use lower power, and for those who are on the wall, use higher power.

Pictures from installations:

Whole room is wired with piezo transducres, carefully connected to our SNG 2.0 hence all eavesdropping devices that would come throught the room wall, would not work.


HERE IS So this is add on , advanced installatioN for silent protection, But works just agains recording from outside..Laser microphone or stethoscope.. For protection against recorders inside room, need to connect speaker..




Package contents:

  • SNG 2.0 noise generator
  • 48V power adapter

Additional information:

  • Possibility of creating remote controls
  • Paid assistance with room design


this is 100% efective agains voice recorders.. it is something like DRUID..

it is audible..

but as it reproduces your own voice, even the most sophisticated software can not clean the record from it..

how is recording heard, you have some example audio?

Hi, I made video with quick presentation.. once have time, will make better one, but to see how it works, can be good:

Noise generator with #SPYSHOP voice mix - output to repro and piezo

♬ original sound spyshop
also the ouput can be put to spears and also to piezotransducers for security agains laser microphone or stetoscope in video we record just 2 channels.. totally there are 10 channels (for 10 different voices)
QUESTION: You said you must talk into mic on device.
What if other guys in meeting have dictaphones in their pockets ?
ANSWER: To the microphone you speak only for configuring the device.. to save your voice..Then it make audible noise so even recorder in pocket will be suppressed by it..
Hi, the pricing for our noise generators, are:
699 EUR for the basic version (2-channel white noise, compatible with piezo-transducers, max 60pcs per channel)
899 EUR for High Power version (same like basic, but suport up to 500 piezo transducers per channel)
1499 EUR for the TOP model (support connect piezo transuders and speakers, white noise + mix of voices, 500pcs per channel)
1.if i dont need protection from laser audio surveillance basic is enough i suppose
actually the main purpose of this device is the protection from outside.. the basic models not support connecting speaker..
If you want basic white noise generator, you can use this one:
it has built in speaker, and also support connecting external speaker..
2. is it loud when speaker on o r can we talk normally with guys? or we dont hear this noise generator?
3. is this basic: and in video you send me you had this: must buy also right?