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Kukalo za vrata, ki snema tudi ponoči, WiFi - slika in video sliko na telefon 64GB

Kukalo za vrata, ki snema tudi ponoči, WiFi - slika in video sliko na telefon 64GB
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The door peephole has your eyes on the door 24 hours a day to monitor what is happening in front of your doorstep. Outstanding features like1080p HD 180 degree angle WiFi with free app on phone

Product Details

Secutek SKI-ID158 wireless door handle with WiFi connection and the possibility of remote control via PC or mobile phone on the "V380 Pro" application. The camera is equipped with Full HD resolution and 180 degree viewing angle. Another great feature is motion detection, thanks to which you will be notified of movement in front of the door. The camera is also equipped with IR night lighting. When it detects motion, the camera starts recording or taking photos, everything is stored on a micro SD card up to 128 GB.

Note that the hole must be continuously powered with a USB cable. The hood is therefore supplied with a 1 m USB cable. If this length is not enough, we recommend purchasing a longer   USB cable  . An example of possible shell feeding is shown in the pictures.

  • Full high definition resolution
  • motion detection
  • WIFI connection
  • IR night lighting
  • support for "V380" Pro for Android / iOS
  • photo / recording option mode
  • support micro SD card up to 128 GB
  • suitable for door opening diameters up to 26 - 33 mm
  • suitable for door thickness 36 - 78 mm (for thinner doors the hole must be covered with something, for thicker doors an extension can be made to order)












Digitalno kukalo sem kupil iz radovednosti in nisem se mogel kaj, da se ne bi spraševal, kaj lahko naredi. Navzven je videti kot navadna kukala, tako da nihče nič ne ve. Lahko pa pogledam v mobilni telefon in ugotovim, kaj se dogaja pred vrati, in ni mi treba vstati, ko sedim v dnevni sobi in gledam televizijo. Lahko sem na primer na koči ali na plaži in imam še vedno pregled nad tem, kaj se dogaja pred vrati.
In če ne želim gledati svojega mobilnega telefona na spletu, mi zahvaljujoč funkciji »zaznavanja gibanja« na mobilni telefon obvesti, da se pred vrati nekaj premika. In če na primer spim ponoči,
se bo to posnelo na kartico SD in si ga lahko ogledam zjutraj. Zato se lahko uporablja tudi kot popolna nadzorna kamera.
Enostavno ni napake in jo lahko samo toplo priporočam.

  • Neopazen videz
  • Cena
  • Kovinski dizajn
  • Remote monitoring
  • Nothing yet