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Opazil sem, da te je pritegnil moj video…

Super, me veseli : )

Sem specialist za avdio video nadzor. Svetujem ti, kaj je pravo zate.

My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know." (Sherlock Holmes Quote

Torej izbirava med paketi sledenja, snemanja zvoka,  kamera na sim kartico. Kaj te zanima? Diktafonček v usb ključku je pogosto prva izbira ali pa diktafon v powerbanku, če boš odsoten /odsotna več kot za vikend . P:s V 50% primerih vzamejo stranke diktafon usb, v 30% primerih diktafon v powerbanku, v 20% primerih pa vzamejo kombo diktafona dvojček 

Za GPS sledilnik pa imava tedensko varianto in mesečno varianto na polnilne baterije z močnim magnetom, da se lahko pritrdi tudi zunaj tvojega vozila. :-) P.S: teden je hitro mimo, cenovna razlika pa minimalna, razen če te skrbi velikost, a ponavadi strank to ne moti in vzamejo “večjega” v 80% primerov

Če slučajno ne želiš kupiti preko spleta, te popolnoma razumem, saj pogosto tudi sam ne kupim stvari na prvo žogo.

Ravno zato ti bi enkrat poslal en iskren video posnetek, v katerem ti bom odgovoril na 3 najbolj pogosta vprašanja, ki sem jih v teh dneh dobil.

Se slišiva takrat ali pa kar pokliči 051 704 555, Miha

ZA LASTNO UPORABO in v varnostne namene za zaščito lastnine, premoženja. UPORABA NAPRAVE V DRUGAČNE NAMENE JE KAZNJIVA. GARANCIJA 12 mesecev.

Obišči me v trgovini SPYSHOP v LJ na Tržaški 297, kjer si izdelke lahko ogledaš, preizkusiš in kupiš - od pon do pet med 10.00 in 15.00:


 Detektiv stane 500 evrov na dan brez obveze da ti dostavi dokaze. 10dni = 5000 € (Lahko ti ga priskrbim, poznam jih vse, doma in v tujini...)

Res je: Svoboda stane; čustveno in finančno.

Še vedno imam najboljšo rešitev: Postani sam svoj detektiv že od 137 €. Nadgradnja je paket sledenja (534€)

Ponujam izjemno detektivsko opremo, ki je svetovna novost - zanesljiv diktafon, ki te ne bo razočaral in pa tudi nadgradnjo kot sledilno napravo ali skrito kamero,... Če rabiš nadgradnjo v smislu mesečne baterije vzemi powerbank diktafon za 187€. Za sledenje vozila pa priporočam to sledilno napravo za 347€, saj je edina brez mesečnih naročnin!

Edini ključek, ki ima ušesa na baterijo in snema več dni!

Omejena zaloga

Edini USB ključ z UŠESI snema le ob zaznavi (z enim polnjenjem baterije zdrži 3 dni če snema 8 ur/dan)
€137.00 €112.30 + VAT
Kupi Zdaj! (dostava naslednji dan)
Powerbank z ušesi, ki snema ob zvočni zaznavi več tednov!

Snemalnik zvoka diktafon USB v polnilni bateriji, pripravljen kar 150 dni, da ujame pogovor!

Snemalnik zvoka diktafon USB v polnilni bateriji - ne rabi biti vklopljen v računalnik ali telefon, da bi snemal zvoke.
€187.00 €153.28 + VAT
Kupi Zdaj - Zaloga Omejena!

Snemalnik v powerbanku:


36MP standalone camera for places without electricity and internet MG984G-36M

We set your camera to work right out of the box. Proof, not promises!
€247.66 €203.00 + VAT
Check It Out

gps tracker with magnet and 120 days of standby time

Suitable for the outside or inside if you hide it between the tool in the back of the car. No subscriptions. Set, for immediate use! Phone application. No hidden costs.
€347.00 €284.43 + VAT
Check It Out

Mini kamera 4G na sim kartico (priložena) in spominom

Pametna inteligenca - zaznava mimoidoče ljudi in snema samo takrat!
€197.01 €161.48 + VAT
Check It Out

(če vgrajena sim kartica ne potrebujejo internet priključka, dražji modeli omogočajo snemanje in dostop do posnetkov na daljavo)

(Kamere nimajo baterij zato rabiš na lokaciji to sam urediti, če nimaš električnega priključka)

Become your Own Private Detective




The detective costs 500 euros per day, with no obligation to deliver evidence. 10 days = €5,000 (I can get it for you, I know them all, at home and abroad - including special agents.)

It's true: Freedom costs money; emotionally and financially.

I still have the best solution: Become your own detective from €137. The upgrade is a package of sound recorders + tracking for 30 days ( 534€ )

I offer basic detective equipment - a reliable voice recorder that will not disappoint you. If you need an upgrade in terms of monthly battery, get a voice recorder for  €187 . For tracking the vehicle, I recommend  a tracking device that costs €347, but without monthly subscriptions.

Want a Truth?

Would you like to know something that happens when you are not around?

Are you very worried about this?

Would you like to find out as soon as possible?

Well based on many years of experience we can help you choose the right product or service!

The products are intended for the personal use or parental control of a minor. Use for foreign purposes is illegal.

The detective costs € 500 a day, but has yet to find out.

Infidelity becomes; emotionally and financially.

I still have the best solution

Become your own detective from 137 €.

I deliver a reliable voice recorder that won't let you down.

What customers say about:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I have been very disappointed in the past when I have tried these discrete recorders in the $60-$80 range and they were junk. This costs a little more but you get something that is very easy to use and does what it says it will do without any struggle or training. Very very simple to use. The voice activation works perfectly. The sound pickup and quality are very good. It is even recording conversations in hall and next room if doors are open. It is extremely inconspicuous because it looks like a memory stick. No one will think anything of it just laying on a table or if left plugged in to out of the way 120v outlet.

**update this thing can pickup both sides of a cell conversation in a quite room, if they do not have cell tight against their head, at a distance of 10ft . Amazing, I'd give this thing 6 stars if I could.
It has save me so much $$! I am getting a divorce and I was going to be very generous because I felt bad for her, even though she trashed me every chance she got. Now after listening to how bad she was trashing me behind my back, I just dropped $100K off the settlement agreement. She get the bare legal minimum. God, I love this thing. John Isais


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Below is a review of MONIKA and RATING 4.7 / 5 selected based on 103 customers:

On the first day, I tried out what voice activation sounds like and was impressed with the purity of the recording. The next day I tried again and on the other side of the switch it recorded EVERYTHING extremely well !!! I caught my husband cheating ... YES !!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this device. He doesn’t know that I know, but at least I know his plan and I can prepare without knowing I am aware. THANK YOU!!!

Med tednom te čakam od 10:00 do 15:00 v Ljubljani.. če greš mimo..

I placed it under the seat in the car and it captured the voices better than I expected. Depending on the volume of the car and the person speaking. I filmed me sleeping in voice activation mode and it worked great. Easy to use on PC and phone. I wasn’t sure I wanted to pay that much, but it’s working great so far. In addition, you can always charge the device. / Janez

A great little recorder that no one would suspect, I warmly recommend, is not cheap, but exceptional things are never cheap and considering what problems it solved me it is worth 100x. but also easy to use by saving a lot and giving me a new relationship and thus a new life. / Ivan

Because when you don’t trust people.
For those who lie, forget, or pretend to forget. / Anton

A wonderful product. Easy for the end user. A little expensive, but it works great and shoots extremely well / Maja

Yes. I did it. And I’ve discovered things I wish I didn’t. But, maybe that's the best./ Luke

This device is really wonderful and I love it and I recommend this device amazingly and for me it was liked because it can record anything you want and in great quality. / Ana

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I have been a specialist in audio video surveillance for many years and I advise you on choosing the right camera, tracker, phone tracking or dictaphone.

You can choose between tracking packages, audio recording, hidden video recording. What interests you the most? A dictaphone in a USB stick is often the most common choice, as is a phone tracking program.

If by chance you don’t want to buy online, I totally understand you, as I often don’t buy things on the first ball myself.

That is why, in addition to the online store, there is also a physical store, and I also post video content daily on the Spy shop You Tube channel. Contact me is available via online chat, email or phone +38641869881 /Miha / Whatsup

This device is really wonderful and I love it and I recommend this device amazingly and for me it was liked because it can record anything you want and in great quality. / Ana

Wow what a recorder. He writes down everything in the house. Superbly made. I never regret the purchase. / Peter

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Great product and works exactly as described! Definitely worth buying. / Marija

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Worth every penny. Very sensitive microphone. Records days of voice activation. / Irena

What if I will not like the product?

You can return within 30 days! No problem, because I believe the recorder will exceed your expectations!

I love this action movie above, by friends from Romania. What about you?

Different cameras

There are different surveillance cameras depending on the type of operation: 1. battery-powered and sim-card (this connects the camera to the Internet, so you can then watch it from anywhere) 2. battery-powered and your internet connection at the location 3. battery-free and sim-powered card 4. without batteries and to your internet connection near where the camera will be mounted):

Keep an eye out even if you're not ...

With this special camera you will see and hear so you will always be one step ahead of others! You can watch this internet camera from anywhere, and it captures when motion is detected. Keep an eye on what's going on every minute. 5 main areas what our customers are looking for: Video surveillance for the facility I Listening and recording sound I Hidden batteries on batteries I Trackers on battery

Check what someone is talking about. Listen to recordings on your computer or phone.

Powerful mini dictaphones that record the surroundings up to 10 meters, continuously or when sound is detected.

Spy recorders are mini sound recorders used for covert surveillance in meetings, lectures, interviews and presentations. They have their own rechargeable battery, which can also be upgraded with an external battery, thus gaining additional recording time. Did you know?

Sometimes there is a need when you want to listen to the meeting live and need an immediate response. In this case, gsm eavesdropping systems operating on the GSM network are used, or devices that record on their own memory if you are listening to the conversation and have a  dictaphone for your mobile phone 

Track devices with ready SIM cards for immediate use

With tracking devices in our offer you can easily track the location of people, cars, bicycles, motorcycles and pets. Most GPS trackers are active to enable live tracking - you can call or send a command in the form of SMS messages, then you receive an SMS from the current location and link to Google Maps. Power simple! Did you know...

Selected equipment that works flawlessly. Easy installation that you can handle yourself.

Security is vital, so is trust. But sometimes it is not possible to trust or trust is abused. Feel angry or there is sadness, disappointment, pain behind it. Holding your head will not make the right decision. If you are looking for the culprit we may have the answer. Already suspect, but want confirmation? We have helped with cases of theft, vandalism, personal problems with a partner, a minor, employees, ...) Spyshop can help you with this, as we are specialists in audio and video surveillance and spy technology. Here you will find most personal protection or surveillance equipment.

We follow the vision and are the world's spy-shop.com with the most equipment in one place. We develop new products and believe in the success of the company at every step. We employees are happy to work and we are confident in the products we offer. And then there are the satisfied customers!

In Slovenia, we have collection points in every place where we discreetly deliver packages on a daily basis.

We started as www.videonadzor.si 15 years ago and added dahua.com and other domains; 5 years ago we added spy-shop.com to spyshop.eu, .spyshop.com.hr and since then it has been happening and it hasn't slept since. Miha - the founder of SpyShop


Is there a 100% satisfaction guarantee?

If you don't like the product or service (which I highly doubt),

I will return all the invested money*. 

Yes... you heard that right :)

*within 14 days from the date of purchase, the purchase price was returned in full. The fourteen-day period for withdrawing from the contract begins when the consumer acquires actual possession of the goods (on the day of service and not on the day of ordering the goods). The product you are returning must be undamaged, in the same quantity and without signs of use. The shipping cost of the returned goods is covered by the sender. We do not accept ransom payments.

Personal approach, quality, from stock or just price?

If your only role in buying a product is the price, but not the quality of the product and the level of service, it is of course clear that you will get what you are looking for from Chinese sellers - quite frankly, it is not possible to compete with their prices practically anywhere in Europe, nor is it our intention. In leasing, of course, you take questionable quality, waiting for a month or more, lack of warranty and quickly arranged possible complaints, the possibility of hidden costs (customs, VAT) and the like. Of course, the decision is always on the customer's side and we respect it.


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