Lovska kamera WildGuard z nočnim nevidnim dometom za težko dostopne kraje brez elektrike - Spy Shop

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Lovska kamera WildGuard z nočnim nevidnim dometom za težko dostopne kraje brez elektrike

WG-790 371
Šifra SKU: WG-790
Naša šifra: 371
Lovska kamera WildGuard z nočnim nevidnim dometom za težko dostopne kraje brez elektrike
Na zalogi pri dobavitelju
Dobavljivost: približno 30 dni
229,95 €
229,95 €

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Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

Zaloga v skladiščih

Lovska kamera primerna za vse tiste, ki živite v bližini in ne rabite obveščanje na email, telefon. Kamera beleži le premikanje, tako bo pregledovanje vaših posnetokov hitro in učinkovito, dolžine arhive pa bodo lahko dolge tudi več mesecev na  izmenljivi spominski kartici 32GB. Kamera deluje na baterije . Pravtako so diode s kateri sveti ponoči nevidne zato služi odlično kot skrita kamera v temi in ujame vsakega nepridiprava ali žival. Poleg tega je ta lovska kamera tudi odporna na dež, sneg in primerna za zunanjo uporabo v gozdu kjer temperature padejo tudi pod 20 stopinj pod ničlo. Kamera izdeluje 12 megapixel slike in snema 1080p video zato uporabna kot alarm in video nadzor na težko dostopnih krajih brez elektrike.

Podrobnosti izdelka

Ever thought about having a camera not spooking the game? Do you need a surveillance camera monitoring your unattended property where the night flash will not disclose the existence of the camera? This is it! WildGuarder WG-790 uses the advanced Low-Glow flash technology that the IR flash is barely visible from 3 feet away.

Unlike the Red Flash or White Flash, the game or the intruder will hardly notice the existence of the Low-Glow Flash. Low-Glow Flash is a good alternative to the expensive Black Flash but at an affordable Red Flash price. It is a great use for hunting and security purpose. Give it a shot!

This camera has been one of our favorites for a long time.  It provides great performance with good picture quality, battery life and durability.  All backed on a 1 Year warranty, with a range of about 45 feet at night, 65 feet during the day.  This camera is great for pinpointing a particular area and being invisible. This WildGuarder® camera, that runs on batteries and can easily be setup in the garden. When there is movement, it records on a removable SD memory card only when there is movement nearby.



Perfect gift for anyone....or yourself.
It is a perfect kit for any wildlife enthusiast. There is nothing better than setting up the camera and then reviewing footage later. Try placing it anywhere and seeing what results you can get.






Looks like the macroscopically taken eye of an insect, but is the Streuscheibe of a Wild Vision 5.0 Full HD WildGuarder Camera. One can easily recognize the many small, magnifying-lens fields that bundle the infrared radiation and relay it to the infrared sensor.


In "skipping" a heat source from one lens segment to the next, the detection of the radiation by the sensor is briefly interrupted. This interprets the sensor as a movement and generates an electrical switching impulse.




Dark Motion Freeze Technology

In order to be able to safely recognize the creatures that are frolicking in front of a wild camera, the cameras have to make sharp photos. Particularly at night, where a higher exposure time is necessary, this proves to be a difficult task. Movements become out of focus. Our WildGuarder technology, however, optimizes the interaction of the lens, sensor system and the invisible black-LED flash. The result: extremely sharp and detailed night shots even with objects in motion.






wildkamera stellt einbrecherHigh definition Bilder

Black-LEDs – The secret of perfect camouflage

The camouflage pattern of a WildGuarder camera can still be so good - if the device would give a bright flash of night shots, it would be badly disguised. For this reason, we use the Black-LEDs. These are flashing in the light spectrum of 940 nanometers. In practice this means that these LEDs illuminate the scenery perfectly for the photo without being perceived by humans and animals. This keeps your WildGuarder  undetected.


Object detection due to infrared sensor

The infrared sensor of WildGuarder® WG-790  works with heat and motion detection. That is, he recognizes living things by means of the body's warmth and the movements they carry out. Thus the WildGuarder® WG-790 neither escapes nor animal.

The WildGuarder® WG-790 has a super-fast release time of approx. 0.8 seconds to scan all creatures - no matter how fast they are. Moreover, it is weatherproof and, thanks to the protection class IP 54, it also raises hard weather such as rain. The WildGuarder® WG-790 is optimally protected and ready for use everywhere.



Excellent recording quality

The WildGuarder® WG-790 takes pictures and videos in different resolutions, which you can adjust yourself. Choose between 5, 8 and 12 megapixels for photos. You can record videos in VGA quality, HD (720p) or Full HD (1080p). Our new DarkMotion Freeze technology, together with the black LEDs and the infrared sensor, ensure excellent day and night shooting. Submitted photos from customers prove the excellent recording quality of the WildGuarder® WG-790.


Burglars lurk everywhere

The number of burglaries has risen enormously in recent years, according to the police and media reports. The WildGuarder® WG-790. is indispensable to make possible criminals. With WildGuarder® technology, the fast-firing security camera does not miss anything - even at night. The sharp images and videos in HD quality help the police and authorities to grasp the intruders. Protect your belongings against burglars with theWildGuarder®!



Was What happens in your garden and on your property?

In your garden, there are more lives than you can imagine. At night, when you are lying in bed or during the day while you are not at home, things happen that you do not notice at all. The WildGuarder® WG-790 does not miss the smallest movement in your garden or on your property.


Who sneaks around on your land? To find out,WildGuarder® WG-890MMS is the best solution. While you sleep peacefully or do errands, WildGuarder® WG-890MMS draws on you - whether it be animal visitors, curious neighbors or eerie figures. The vigilance of WildGuarder® WG-890MMS can not escape anything.



Your satisfaction is our main priority. This is why the WildGuarder provide 1years factory warranty for all of our products,it is with English-language guide, in which you will learn everything you need to know about functions, settings and possible applications. If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.




The WildGuarder® WG-790 contains in the premium pack included are a practical mounting belt, a USB and a video cable as well as a user manual.

Tehnični podatki:

-   Blue LED tehnologija (se ponoči praktično ne vidi)

-   Nočni domet: do 20m (funkcionalno 12-15m)

-   Slikovni senzor: CMOS

-   60° leča na kameri

-   Pixel: slike 12MP, 8MP,5M nastavljivo

-   Video resolucija: 640x480, 320 x 240, 1280x720, 1920x1080 -FullHD

-   Prikaz: 2-palčni TFT-LCD

-   Zunanji pomnilnik: SD / MMC kartice do 32GB  (kartica ni priložena)

-   Izpostavljenost: Auto

-   Vgrajeni mikrofon in zvočnik

-   Nizko stanje baterije: Auto indikator 

-   PIR senzor gibanja: 3 Nastavitve

-   PIR domet: do 20m (funkcionalno 15m)

-   Napajanje: 4/8xAA baterije ali  DC vhod/solarni panel

-   Delovna temperatura: -10°C do 50°C

-   Temperatura skladiščenja: -22 04/03 F do 167 04/03 stopinj F